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When To Contact A Lawyer After A Car Accident

After a car accident, you will have a lot of questions and concerns. You will likely have a lot of unexpected medical bills, vehicle damage, and lost wages to deal with. You might also wonder how you can get compensated for your costs if the accident wasn’t your fault—and when you should get a lawyer to help.

Having an Atlanta car accident lawyer on your side can help you protect your legal rights and work toward a settlement that will cover your damages. This article will discuss the best times to reach out to an attorney and how they can assist you with your case.

Don’t Fight for Your Car Accident Claim Alone

There’s no hard requirement for a car accident victim to hire a lawyer when they file a claim. You’re more than free to represent yourself at trial or in negotiations. Despite this, trying to fight for a settlement on your own is extremely difficult, especially for those with little to no legal experience.

Many car accident victims who try to fight for a claim on their own end up settling for way less than the amount of compensation they could have received. To negotiate a higher settlement for your claim, it’s imperative that you hire an experienced lawyer to help you throughout the process.

When Is the Best Time to Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

If you were hurt in a car accident that another driver caused, it’s best to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible. You will need to file a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, and an experienced lawyer can help you build a strong case from the very beginning.

Typically, the sooner you retain legal help for your car accident case, the better. However, you should also consider getting a lawyer, even if your accident or injuries were minor. Damages tend to be a lot more severe than they initially seem, and the insurance company is likely to have difficulty no matter what.

Cover More Ground By Employing a Law Firm Immediately

Getting an attorney immediately after a wreck is highly beneficial because their team will take on all of the work for you, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Benefits include:

Managed Workload

Car accident cases involve a lot of work. Navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially when you are dealing with injuries and emotional distress. An experienced personal injury attorney, supported by a legal team, has the knowledge and expertise to handle all aspects of your case.

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They will gather evidence, build a strong case, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, take your case to court. Their goal is to secure the compensation you need and deserve for your damages.

Establish Fault and Collect Evidence

To establish the other driver’s negligence in the accident, it is crucial to gather evidence such as police reports, witness statements, photographs of the accident scene, and any available surveillance footage.

A personal injury attorney understands the importance of collecting this evidence promptly and can handle the investigation efficiently. They will gather evidence to demonstrate the other driver’s fault, ensuring you have a solid case for claiming compensation.

Thoroughly Documenting Damages

Proving the extent of your damages is essential for obtaining fair compensation. Whether it’s medical bills, property damage, lost wages, or other types of damages, a personal injury attorney will ensure that all relevant evidence is collected and documented properly.

We understand the types of damages you may be entitled to, so by accurately assessing and documenting your damages, we can pursue the maximum compensation on your behalf.

Adhering to Time Limits

After a car accident, there are time limits within which you must file your claim. A personal injury attorney is well-versed in these deadlines, such as Georgia’s statute of limitations, to file your injury claim within two years of the accident.

We are also familiar with the insurance claim process and can navigate it efficiently on your behalf. We will communicate with the claims adjuster, handle paperwork, and negotiate with the insurance company while protecting your rights and best interests.

No Out-of-Pocket Costs Upfront

One of the significant advantages of hiring a personal injury attorney is that they often work on a contingency basis. This means that they only get paid if they successfully recover compensation for you. This arrangement eliminates the financial burden of upfront legal fees and motivates the attorney to work diligently to maximize your compensation.

Most people who file an injury claim after an accident have never had to deal with this before, so it’s an excellent time to get a lawyer. They know the ins and outs of how an accident claim works, including how to compile crucial evidence, prepare the demand letter, and what to do if the insurance company tries to take advantage of you.

Additional Reasons You Should Get a Lawyer After Your Car Accident

A car accident lawyer can help you get the best outcome in your claim. There are several ways they do this. Here are some of the biggest reasons you should get a lawyer for a car accident.

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They Have Expert Legal Knowledge of Car Accident Claims

Car accident lawyers specialize in helping car accident victims get the money they need and deserve to cover their costs. In addition, they will have years of training and experience in tort law and negligence theory, which means they can advise you on the best course of action for your situation.

If the at-fault driver or insurance company tries to reduce what they pay you or deny your claim, a lawyer can help you seek a fair settlement instead of feeling like you have no options. If negotiation isn’t successful, they can help you file a lawsuit for the damages you deserve. This is very hard to do without the help of a legal professional.

Getting a lawyer for a car accident also helps even the playing field. Insurance companies will have their own team of professionals ready to fight against your rights. An attorney is entirely on your side, and simply having legal help may encourage the insurance company to offer a better settlement.

Determining Economic Damages

You’re probably very aware that the accident is costing you time, money, and emotional energy. However, do you know exactly how much your total damages are worth? Unfortunately, most injury victims don’t realize just how much their losses are after a car accident.

If you aren’t clear on your damages, you will be losing out on money you are legally entitled to and might end up having to pay for the costs of the car accident you didn’t cause. If there is a risk of this happening, you should get a lawyer right away. A car accident lawyer can help you account for damages like:

Medical costs, currently and in the future

  • Vehicle damage
  • Lost wages from missed work time
  • Reduced earning capacity if your injuries have affected your ability to work and make money as you did before
  • Punitive damages if the other driver was acting maliciously or recklessly, such as driving under the influence

A good lawyer can look at the details of your case and figure out the total damages to include in your insurance claim.

You Will Have a Professional Advocate

You should also get a lawyer for a car accident simply to have an advocate on your side. Your lawyer will act on your behalf and make sure you take the best action possible throughout the car accident case process.

Will Getting a Car Accident Lawyer Immediately Lead to a Bigger Settlement?

Most of the time, the insurance company will try to offer you a lowball settlement that is way below what you need. A lawyer will be ready to negotiate with the insurance adjuster for a settlement that is fair to you.

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You generally don’t want to try doing this alone, as it takes a professional perspective to prove your damages and why you need to get compensated for them. Here’s why letting an experienced attorney negotiate your settlement is better:

  • Knowledge of the reasons your claim is worth more: Personal injury lawyers specializing in car accidents possess extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating the value of claims. They understand the various factors that contribute to the worth of your claim and won’t allow insurers to take advantage of your lack of knowledge.s.
  • Protection against insurance company tactics: Insurance companies are skilled at minimizing claims and maximizing their profits. Without legal representation, you may be at a disadvantage when negotiating with insurance adjusters who may try to downplay the extent of your injuries or the value of your property damage.

A Close Evaluation of Non-Economic Losses

Car accidents can cause not only physical injuries but also non-economic losses, such as loss of enjoyment or loss of companionship. These losses are harder to quantify in monetary terms but are equally important.

Only experienced car accident lawyers have the keen eye to evaluate and present these non-economic losses properly, ensuring that you receive fair compensation for the intangible impact the accident has had on your life.

Thorough Investigation of the Accident Scene

After a wreck, it’s crucial to gather evidence from the accident scene to establish liability and strengthen your claim. Our attorneys have the resources and knowledge to conduct a thorough investigation, including obtaining accident reports, analyzing witness statements, and collecting any other relevant evidence. This approach increases the chances of obtaining fair compensation.

Effective Negotiation for Fair Compensation

Negotiating with insurance companies can be complex and intimidating, especially when you’re dealing with injuries and emotional distress. An experienced personal injury lawyer understands the intricacies of negotiation and has the skills to advocate for your best interests.

We will work tirelessly to achieve a fair settlement that covers your medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer for Free Today

If you’re wondering when to get a lawyer for a car accident, the answer is often “now.” At John Foy & Associates, we can begin helping you right away at no risk or obligation to you. We don’t charge anything upfront, and we only get paid if we win a settlement for you. To schedule your consultation for free today, call or contact us online.

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