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How Much Does A Divorce Lawyer Cost In New York

Factor 2: Which Divorce Method You Choose

All of this lawyer talk reminds us of another important factor that goes into divorce cost: the method of dispute resolution that you and your spouse choose.

Ideally, the two of you can work out your differences regarding issues like child support, child custody, spousal support, and the division of marital property. Then you just need to complete the divorce forms before the court issues you a divorce decree.

If you aren’t so lucky, however, you’ll need to select a professional method of dispute resolution. You may not realize that you actually have a lot of options here.

The most expensive way to negotiate is usually collaborative divorce. In this divorce process, you and your spouse each hire an attorney and a shared team of other professionals like psychotherapists, financial specialists, or child specialists.

Try paying all these folks if you thought a lawyer was a big expense. On the other hand, the collaborative divorce process is a much more peaceful alternative to heading to court, so some couples find it well worth the money to help preserve their family for the sake of their kids.

Sometimes, however, litigation can run you even more because an all-out court battle can go on much longer than a simple collaborative case.

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Divorce litigation is what most people think of when they think of divorce, but it’s actually fairly uncommon. In this method, each party must hire an attorney to fight for them in court, and the sky’s the limit regarding expense.

We recommend avoiding a court battle if at all possible. Besides the issue of paying your lawyer, going to court can do a number on your mental health and that of your children.

A popular alternative is divorce mediation, which costs significantly less than litigation. In this method, you and your spouse share the services of a professional called a divorce mediator, who will help facilitate the conversations necessary to reach a deal.

However, your most cost-effective option is an uncontested divorce, either with a service like Divorce.com or on your own if you think you can handle the paperwork…

As you make this crucial decision, you should probably educate yourself on New York’s system for dividing property, known as equitable distribution.

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