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Can A Lawyer Help Break A Lease

A lease termination notice is a written notice from the landlord, delivered to the tenant, asking the tenant to take action. The most frequently occurring examples of such actions would be asking the tenant to pay rent, or leave the premises. A common type of notice is the 3 day pay rent or quit notice.

This notice asks the tenant to pay rent, or to move out, within three days of receiving the notice. If the tenant fails to comply with the termination notice in the amount of time provided, the landlord may then file an unlawful detainer action.

Alternatively, an eviction is a legal process initiated to remove someone from residential or commercial property. Generally speaking, an eviction requires the involvement of the courts. If a landlord wishes to evict a tenant, they must follow the very strict procedural rules of the state and, if in a rent controlled market, the city.

When rent goes unpaid and the landlord is unable to contact the tenant, it could seem that the tenant has abandoned the property without notice. If the landlord suspects that a tenant has abandoned the rental lease, there are certain steps that the landlord can take in order to reclaim the property and collect damages for any unpaid rent. Many lease agreements also contain provisions which state that if rent is overdue for a certain period of time, or if the tenant leaves the premises without telling the landlord for a specified period of time, the lease has been abandoned.

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The ways in which a landlord may terminate a lease agreement with a tenant will vary from city to city. Generally speaking, a landlord can terminate the lease of a tenant in one of the following ways:

  • By agreement to end the tenancy with the tenant;
  • Pursuant to the just cause eviction statute of the city; and
  • When the lease ends:
    • Tenancy for a term lease may require prior notice of termination by the landlord, usually thirty or sixty days;
    • Periodic tenancy, such as a month to month lease, can be terminated by either the landlord or tenant for almost any reason. Sometimes prior notice is required, which is usually thirty days; and
    • Tenancy at will, in which either party may terminate at any time, so long as prior notice was given.

As previously mentioned, landlords usually accomplish this by sending out written lease termination notices to affected tenants.

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