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Are You Appointed A Lawyer When Arrested For Anyhting

Examples of How Having a Criminal Defense Attorney on Retainer Can Help Before Charges are Filed

Every case is unique, but many of our clients come to us with similar stories. All the following are realistic scenarios where having a criminal defense attorney before charges are filed can come in handy.

You have been accused of and are being investigated for a crime you didn’t commit. Your attorney helps you find evidence that supports your alibi before the police even have a chance to interview you. Your attorney might even recommend that you take a polygraph test, which, while not admissible as evidence in court, could sway the police’s decision in whether to press charges. Therefore, your attorney may also track down witnesses to support your version of events. Furthermore, your AZ criminal defense attorney might even do a background investigation into the person making accusations against you, just in case they have a history of making false statements. All of this can be presented to the police while they are investigating you, and reduce the possibility of them pressing charges.

The police suspect you of a crime, and to be honest, you aren’t exactly innocent. However, during the investigation process, the police overstepped their constitutional authority in some way. Depending on the severity of the constitutional violation, it could damage the prosecution’s case or destroy it altogether. Your defense attorney can present evidence of this to the prosecution, and discuss how it could influence any ensuing criminal proceedings against you. This can result in you getting a favorable plea deal. Factors that make a plea deal favorable include probation or home arrest versus mandatory jail time, and being charged with a misdemeanor versus a felony. Your attorney might be able to get the prosecution to drop the investigation and case against you entirely.

Further Reference:  How Much Is Lawyer For Child Support

You are being investigated for a crime for which the laws are unique and varying. It’s your attorney’s job to stay up to date on the newest case law that is relevant to your case. This will give your attorney the ability to think a few steps ahead while preparing your defense and dealing with the investigation against you. The uncertainty about their chances in court causes prosecution to reduce or dismiss the charges they intended to file against you.

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